
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Packing for a Trip with Kids

By Tammy of Musing of a Working Mom

I’ve traveled quite a bit with my oldest daughter, who is almost 5, but a couple weeks ago we had the chance to take a trip – just the two of us – for the first time since her little sister was born. We flew from Phoenix to Reno for a wedding at Lake Tahoe.

Packing for a three-day-weekend with a soon-to-be kindergartener is much lighter than packing for a trip with a baby or a toddler, but there are still some essentials I packed into her backpack (which, of course, I ended up carrying most of the time).

For my kid, who loves to draw and practice writing, this is what I packed in her carry-on:
  • Favorite stuffed animals and favorite blanket
  • New travel coloring books (some she picked out and one I surprised her with)
  • Notepad and pencils/crayons
  • Headphones to watch a movie on the plane
  • Books (not pictured)
  • Change of clothes
  • Sweatshirt
  • Water bottle (empty before going through security)
  • Snacks
  • Wet bag (if you need to change clothes, you will likely need the wet bag)

My own carry-on list was a bit different. Using the three-pack set of clear travel bags from Bumkins, I packed the small bag with toiletry items: unscented lotion, lip balm, hair ties, etc. The medium bag I used for electronics: phone chargers, headphones, etc. The large bag I used for snacks – it’s large enough to pack a few snack bars as well as some small Bumkins Snack Bags filled with other treats such as almonds and trail mix.

Other items in my carry-on included:

  • Water bottle
  • Travel coffee mug
  • Sweater
  • Laptop and DVDs

  • Since it was a short trip, we shared a suitcase. At the last minute, we actually had to downsize the suitcase because there was a back-up with checked luggage at the airport and we had to carry everything on. The smaller suitcase meant I had to downsize my toiletry bag, so I pulled out just the inside insert and slipped it into a Bumkins Wet Bag in case any liquid items leaked on the flight. (Tip: Don't completely fill any containers with liquid items; leave room for expansion.) We luckily had no leaks and used the wet bag as a laundry bag for the remainder of the trip.

    The trip was quick one, but we had a great time visiting family and going to the wedding. My daughter enjoyed splashing around in Lake Tahoe just before we left for the airport, so the change of clothes and wet bag in her backpack worked out perfectly!


    1. Having a nice and spacious travel bags means comfort to carry all the items of necessity safely whether traveling locally or even abroad for personal or business tours. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

    2. Packing for a trip with kids requires strategic planning to ensure essentials are packed while keeping items lightweight and easily accessible. Including entertainment, snacks, and comfort items can help make the journey smoother and more enjoyable for both parents and children.
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